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How to reverse the effects of aging after 40s and get back 10 years of healthy life


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 1: START HERE: Extending Healthspan is Achievable and Worth the Effort.

Jane Rogers: [00:00:00] Welcome. I’m Jane Rogers. I am so excited you’re here. You found a tribe of folks interested in the same thing you are. There are two things that I hope you’ll enjoy exploring in this first lesson. One, just the nuts and bolts of how to navigate the course to get the most out of it. First, a discussion about why we’re here doing this in the first place. Why it is super important.

We’re the first generation to be able to look at extending our healthy lives, the first one, and you are so smart to have latched onto the fact that this is a paradigm-shifting age in which we find ourselves. You want to soak it all up. The earlier in your life, you can implement some of this anti-aging science, the more effective it will be. I am reading more and more about folks in their 20s and 30s jumping all over this. To start this off, here’s Dr. Jeffrey Gladden, a longevity MD from Dallas, with a thought process on why we would even want to live to 100 or 120.

Dr. Jeffrey Gladden: Really when you think about your life, what we really enjoy about our lives is having great relationships, being creative, making an impact in our communities and our businesses and our families. It’s being relevant, being impactful, and doing that. One of the things that I told the audience is that longevity– I asked the question initially in this talk, why longevity? Why are we talking about longevity? Why would you want to live to 100? Why would you want to live to 120? What I told them was, longevity is the currency of impact. In fact-

Jane: That’s a good way to put it,

Jeffrey: -longevity is the currency of exponential impact.

Jane: [00:02:00] Why exponential impact? Gladden went on to explain that likely in your life you had an impact between ages 20 and 30, but typically someone has an even greater impact with each passing decade. What will happen if you let the normal aging process unfold? At some point, you’ll see exponential decline in your impact, how you show up in the world. That’s the way aging is. It’s very hard to think that will ever happen to you, but I think we can readily see it, have empathy for, and learn from those hitting those rapid decline points in their lives.

For some, that exponential decline starts as early as your 50s and you hear the age-related excuses, “I used to jog, but I gave it up. I used to do this or that, but I don’t do that anymore.” Those are the warning signs. The exponential decline of aging is coming. Diseases of aging strike, heart disease, cancer, dementia, it’s hard. These are often people we love dearly. For most, the rapid decline of aging and the impact is well underway by the 70s and 80s. Watching this is a wake-up call to all of us.

Until now, we didn’t think there was much we could do about it. We thought it was just the way it goes, but today, aging has actually been called a disease by the World Health Organization and life-extending technologies to slow aging are already here to combat it. There is hope. In fact, some researchers say just staying alive five more years to take advantage of even more potent technologies that are on the horizon is what you want to do. From the interviews I’ve done with the world’s experts, I believe one must jump all over what is here now as soon as you can. That’s why I’m glad you’re here to look into being an early adopter.

With each lesson in this course, we’ll explore the technologies available to us now to give us a longer health span. This course is not static. [00:04:00] As new research findings come out, I’ll share them right here with new modules and new lessons. You’re always welcome to return in the years ahead to keep up with what’s new. No matter your chronological age or how much money you have in the bank, there are anti-aging findings here in these lessons that you can take advantage of to change the exponential decline of aging to a more linear decline, flatten that steep curve and keep your impact going for decades longer than it would’ve otherwise.

To help you do that, here’s how to get the most out of this course. Once you’ve completed this lesson, Lesson one, you’re going to see along the top, back to Module 1. When you click that, you’ll see the remaining lessons in Module 1. Click on the next one, which is Lesson two, and you can either watch the video or read the transcript of the video in the link below. If there are other resources to the lesson, I will have linked them below too. You keep working your way through the remaining lessons in Module 1 and when you’re finished, start Module 2, which you can see on the far left-hand side of the screen and so on.

Here’s what each module’s all about. In Module 1, we’re going to dive into the lifestyle factors that set you up for success in increasing your healthspan. Module 2 is all about the molecules that researchers showing give you extra healthy years in your life. Module 3 is about some of the anti-aging interventions that you can do that really work. Module 4 is about the testing that’s out there to help measure your progress.

Finally, as you’re navigating this course, remember that I’m a journalist by training. I’m not a doc or a researcher. I have a video and audio podcast called Cutting Edge Health, where I interview the experts in this field, but it’s important that we’re all on the same page in that this website and the information in this course is provided for educational and informational purposes only.

It does not constitute medical advice or professional services, so always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider. Cutting Edge Health is not responsible for what might happen to you if you use this information in place of official advice from a medical professional. With that behind us, onward to lesson number two. I am really so excited that you’re here. Have a great day.


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 2: Longevity is a Lifestyle.

Jane Rogers: Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. In some ways, the message in this module may be the most important. I was told by a wonderful practitioner who changed my medical trajectory, from this to this, that optimizing your health is a lifestyle.

I knew she was right. At the time, my health was a hot mess, and I decided to embrace this idea and make optimizing my health a lifestyle. This is mostly the free and no-cost stuff, and it has an outsized impact on your longevity. Take a bit to slowly study these faces. They explain how differently human beings age. I find them fascinating.

Researchers took a single birth year, 1972 to 1973, in Dunedin, New Zealand, and have followed up with the 1,037 babies born in that year through midlife. The slowest aging cohort is on the left. On the right are the ones who are the fastest aging.

What accounts for these different paces of aging? Experts say lifestyle is 93% of longevity. Lifestyle. You can pause the video here if you want. These are the faces that might motivate you to make lifestyle changes, but if you see yourself in the fastest aging column, remember all the cells in your body turn over every seven years, there is hope for all of us.

What is lifestyle? It means every day doing those little things, those base hits, that all add up to a big win. For each of these that I’m about to share, you can and should do a deeper dive. It’s not the purpose of this to be an exhaustive list on how to move the needle on each, but below this video are links to interviews I’ve done with the world’s experts, and I’m [00:02:00] always adding more in order to make it easy for you, to get started going down the rabbit hole if you want.

I find, with lifestyle factors, I’m always working on a couple of them myself to get them better. In a later lesson, I’ll share how I test and track many of these in an easy-to-use spreadsheet with green for the ones I’ve optimized, with red for the ones I’m still working on.

What did this smart practitioner who I mentioned earlier mean by optimizing health as a lifestyle? Here are some of the aspects. Sleep. A consistent bedtime and wake up. Know your percentage of REM sleep versus deep sleep. Check nocturnal oxygenation. Do you have sleep apnea? No blue light as bedtime approaches. Are you trying to stay on the cool side during the day and also at night when you’re sleeping?

Are you minding your circadian rhythm by getting outdoor morning light right away when you wake up and 30 minutes of sunlight before lunch? How about stress? Are you meditating or doing Heartmath? Taking a walk in nature.

Physical activity. Are you doing something in this category every day, whether it be a brisk walk, lifting upper body or lower body weights, or three days a week of an all-out interval training to get your heart pumping? Are you thinking about exercising in order to stay healthy and mentally sharp rather than to be muscular?

Nutrition. Eat as little sugar, bread, and pasta as possible. Stop eating desserts except for a small taste occasionally. Consider making meat consumption low and avoiding red meat and looking at your plate and seeing mostly bright-colored foods with a whole lot of green. We’ve all heard this. It’s just a reminder that it’s important to strive to make it a lifestyle.

Did you know small people live longer? Your waist size is [00:04:00] important. Longevity experts aim to keep their own body mass index, their BMI, in the optimal range for health span, which at least for Harvard researcher, Dr. David Sinclair, is 23 to 25. Are you fasting in some way? Maybe intermittent fasting? That’s how you rebuild things in your body. Go 16 hours without food, maybe skipping a meal each day to do that.

Dr. David Sinclair: Let’s be clear, nobody knows what the perfect diet is. Even when it comes to fasting, it’s all largely based on rodent studies. What I can tell you about the rodent studies, which I’m very familiar with, is that if you take a rodent and reduce its calories by 25% for its whole life, it will live longer, 30%, but it’ll be really miserable and aggressive. That’s true for us as well. I’ve tried calorie restriction for about a week, and I gave up. I was pretty angry.


What we discovered– my colleagues discovered is that it’s not just what you eat, it’s when you eat that’s important. What’s been found is that as long as you have that period of hunger, in a mouse so you can feed them every other day, then they can gorge themselves as much as they want. They do. They eat about 90% of what a mouse having free access to food would eat. They have the same longevity benefit as a mouse that’s always been hungry. If that’s true, what that means for us is that we can enjoy life as long as we have that period of hunger once a day or maybe twice a week.

Jane Rogers: In doing this, though, are you preventing muscle wasting, sarcopenia, a real problem as one ages, and one you need to be mindful of? How about using a sauna to remove toxins? Are you taking a binder each day to capture toxins so they’re not reabsorbed in your body?

Now, onto your gut microbiome, are you eating six servings of fermented foods a day for their healthy bacteria and a minimum of 50 different foods a week? Do you [00:06:00] have parasites in your gut? I did. I had one gnarly one that I probably had for decades that I didn’t even know about. Other recommended lifestyle issues, don’t smoke, avoid microwave plastic, excessive sun exposure, X-rays, and CT scans.

Finally, optimizing your health as a lifestyle is sometimes really hard for me, especially at first before I started feeling great again. Truth be told, I dislike exercise intensely, I’d rather eat anything chocolate and a whole lot of it every day. I love to stay up late and watch a movie. I’d rather spend money I earn on eating out and vacationing. Although many of the lifestyle things are free, some aren’t. That means less money to eat out and travel.

Prioritizing resources is hard. It’s hard too to be the only person in your house doing all this at first. Some who aren’t doing it can make you feel like you’re over the top. That’s why I’m glad you’re here in a supportive and empowering community. Your housemates who are skeptical at first might come around when they see your energy, your vibrancy, how fast your mind starts to work, and how much younger you look.

In the face of all this, all this hard stuff I mentioned, just look at these faces again, reflecting on the pace of aging, and realize that your lifestyle decisions are important. Thanks for your time. May we live better, longer? Have a great day.

Dr. David Sinclair’s diet, exercise and lifestyle:-

To explore some of these topics further:  Cutting Edge Health Podcast on YouTube:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 3: Partnering with the Right Practitioners.

Jane Rogers: Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. When trying to optimize your health and longevity, you want to carefully build your medical team. Does your current primary health professional, probably your doctor, address the issues we talked about in Lesson 2, providing answers and support? If so, you’re lucky, but most medical professionals aren’t trained for this.

You might be frustrated when trying to steer the conversation to what you’re learning here, but your primary doc may know you well. Their services are covered by medical insurance. They can handle routine stuff, and they still deserve certainly a place on your team. For optimizing health and longevity, personally, I needed to add an additional doctor.

A functional medicine practitioner. They’re found in medical practices that likely don’t take medical insurance. You just pay out of pocket, and that’s why I wouldn’t use them for routine medical needs.

I would expect to pay in the range of $300 to $600 an hour for their time. Someone trained in functional medicine will understand and be really excited about what you’re learning in this course.

My goal in creating this learning community was to quickly ramp up your knowledge so you can feel confident, actively participating in the conversation about your health. When they say that you’re trying to live the lifestyle, well, then you are a part of their tribe and they’re going to be eager to help you. You get it.

Below this video is a link to a document on how to find a skilled functional medicine provider. This may be an MD, this may be a natural path, but the buzzword is someone who’s trained in functional medicine. Functional medicine is a systems biology-based approach to healthcare that focuses on the individual’s unique biochemistry, genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors to identify the root cause of illness and promote optimal health.

It emphasizes [00:02:00] a personalized, patient-centered approach and considers the interactions between physical, mental, emotional, social, and environmental factors. It also integrates conventional western medicine with complementary and alternative therapies to create a comprehensive treatment plan. The goal of functional medicine is to restore balance and promote wellness rather than simply treating symptoms.

A good functional medicine doctor is likely to order a large number of blood tests. This will give you a baseline to chart your progress and give him or her direction on what your immediate challenges are. In the testing module later, I’ll outline some of those tests and how to track your results.

Medical insurance covers some of those tests, but not all of them for me. In thinking about the financial investment, I view it this way. Preventing age-related diseases can lead to lower healthcare costs in the long run, as well as improved quality of life. Early diagnosis, lifestyle changes, and preventative treatments can help reduce the incidence and progression of age-related diseases like dementia, heart disease, and cancer, reducing the need for costly medical interventions later on.

Finally, it may be that to get the prescriptions that we’re gonna be talking about in the module on molecules, that you’ll need yet another doctor to write for those who specializes in longevity science, which most functional medicine docs aren’t doing yet. Those appointments would most likely be only on an annual basis. I hope this was helpful. May we live longer, better. Have a great day.

How to Find a Skilled Functional Medicine Practitioner:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 1: Rapamycin.

Jane Rogers: Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. We’ve talked about lifestyle and, according to the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, how optimizing exercise, what you eat, how well you sleep, and managing stress can get you 90+% of the way there to living to 90 to 95. There are other interventions called gerotherapeutics to put on your radar, and talk with your own doc about [00:00:30] to see if one or more of these might be right for you.

We’re going to unpack each one, one by one, in a series of videos in this module. The first we’ll explore is rapamycin. It’s being called the cornerstone of anti-aging medicine. Who wouldn’t want an extra 30% lifespan? The drug’s been around for decades. It’s got a good safety profile. It extends life in almost all trials for an array of model organisms.

Matt Kaeberlein: I think that it will become a household [00:01:00] word in the next five years if I’m right. If we really do start to see these benefits. I also would say rapamycin it’s the first best shot on goal right now. There’s going to be better things coming down the pipeline, so I don’t want to make people think rapamycin is a miracle drug. It’s not in the sense it’s not a fountain of youth. I think better things will come along as the research continues to progress.

Jane Rogers: Also in this NIH, [00:01:30] National Institutes for Health, opinion article, which I’ve posted for you to read more fully below if you’d like, the author writes, “Furthermore, the alternative to the reversible and avoidable side effects of rapamycin are the irreversible and inevitable effects of aging, cancer, stroke, infarction, blindness, and premature death. I will also discuss why it is more dangerous not to use anti-aging drugs than to use them, and how rapamycin [00:02:00] based drug combinations have already been implemented for potential life extension in humans. If you read this article from the very beginning to the end, you may realize that the time is now.”

As a post-doctoral student at MIT, Dr. Matt Kaeberlein was searching for genes that affected lifespan and, by luck and accident, discovered that lifespan could be extended by suppressing the gene TOR, which in mammals is called [00:02:30] mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin. This was back in the early 2000s.

mTOR’s essential role in natural selection is to signal cell division when it determines the environment is supportive of reproduction. However, by continuing after reproduction, high levels of these signals lead to functional declines in aging. When mTOR is blocked, these declines are delayed and lifespan is increased.

David Sinclair, [00:03:00] PhD, is a professor in the Department of Genetics and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School. He writes in his New York Time bestselling book, Lifespan, “When all is well and fine, TOR is a master driver of cell growth. When it is inhibited, though, it forces cells to hunker down, dividing less and re-using old cellular components to maintain energy and extend survival.” [00:03:30]

There are several pharmacological agents that inhibit mTOR, but rapamycin appears to be the most effective and tests on a variety of organisms from yeast to mammals, rapamycin has been shown to delay and even reverse cellular decline and thereby increase health span and lifespan. It’s still cutting edge, though, to use rapamycin off-label for human longevity. Here’s more from the 9th Aging Research and Drug [00:04:00] Discovery meeting in Copenhagen.

Matt Kaeberlein: I very much have become of the opinion that it is appropriate to use these things off-label and that physicians can make a decision when off-label use of metformin, rapamycin is appropriate for their patients. I’ll just tell you, I’ve seen a lot of data from people who are using rapamycin off-label, and I personally believe that it works really well for some people. Not for everyone. We need the clinical trials. We absolutely need [00:04:30] to know what the risk benefit actually is, but I can tell you there is a risk to not doing anything and it’s going to take a long time, I believe, to do these very large clinical trials.

Jane Rogers: Dr. Kaeberlein is currently conducting a clinical trial at the University of Washington where he is a full professor with pet dogs called TRIAD, Test of Rapamycin In Aging Dogs. Initial results are confirming that rapamycin can slow aging in dogs, increase lifespan, and increase health [00:05:00] span.

Matt Kaeberlein: What I mean by increasing health span is to really delay or push back many, maybe all, of the declines in function that go along with aging and also the diseases of aging, which is, I think, what most people think about when they think about aging. They think about cancer, heart disease, dementia, kidney disease, and our goal is really try to push all of those diseases of aging back as far as possible in companion dogs in the dog aging project, but then in the larger [00:05:30] field of aging biology or geroscience in people as well.

Jane Rogers: Rapamycin therapy appears to be helping the dog’s weakest organ.

Matt Kaeberlein: In our first trial, we gave the dogs echocardiograms before and after rapamycin treatment, and what we saw was if you looked across all the dogs that got rapamycin and you compared them to the placebo dogs– all of our studies are double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials. The dogs, [00:06:00] on average, who had gotten rapamycin had an improvement in heart function by these echocardiographic parameters compared to the dogs that didn’t get rapamycin.

Jane Rogers: Also, it was found that 12 weeks of rapamycin treatment in mice in several experiments was enough to remodel the gut microbiome and also the oral microbiome. In addition, other experiments saw improvements in immune function.

Matt Kaeberlein: In multiple tissues now, people have seen that if you treat mice with [00:06:30] rapamycin for between 6 to 12 weeks, you see improvements in stem cell function in many different tissues. The one that excites me the most are what are called hematopoietic stem cells. These are the stem cells that seed the immune system. We know that immune dysfunction is a real problem during aging in people. Look at where we’ve been for the last two years. [00:07:00] If we had a way to rejuvenate immune function in older people, that’s really, really important.

Jane Rogers: That’s big.

Matt Kaeberlein: Yes. It’s important not only for the obvious reason like COVID-19 or influenza, but one of the most potent anti-cancer mechanisms we have is our immune system. That’s probably one of the big drivers of why we see a big spike in many cancers as people get older. It’s because their immune system isn’t doing as good of a job at clearing out those [00:07:30] cancers early. If we can boost the immune system, we can have an indirect effect on age-related cancers and that’s what’s seen in mice with rapamycin. It’s pretty exciting.

Jane Rogers: Rapamycin has also been shown in studies to prevent age related diseases like cancer and cognitive decline.

Matt Kaeberlein: I think there’s reason to be optimistic that rapamycin can be a very powerful preventative for not just Alzheimer’s disease but other types of dementia as well. We know a lot about the biological [00:08:00] mechanisms that at least precede dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and we know that rapamycin can have an impact on those mechanisms. We could talk more about that if you’d like to in a few minutes.


The other thing we know is that in mice– there’s a lot of debate about whether mice can be used as a good model for Alzheimer’s disease, because mice during normal aging don’t get true Alzheimer’s disease, but they do show cognitive decline with age during normal aging. The cool thing about rapamycin [00:08:30] is that in the mouse models, it’s been shown in basically all of the major mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease to be beneficial.

It’s also been shown to delay or prevent normal age related cognitive decline in mice. This is why I think it’s a better bet than things that just affect the Alzheimer’s disease models in mice, because those Alzheimer’s disease models are missing the normal aging component, the changes that go along with normal aging [00:09:00] and Alzheimer’s disease– if you think of all of the different diseases of aging, Alzheimer’s disease is one of the strongest in terms of risk as a function of age.

Your risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease goes up dramatically, exponentially as you get older. There’s clearly a underlying normal aging component that creates a permissive state for dementia and for Alzheimer’s disease. I think there’s lots of reason to believe that rapamycin can be [00:09:30] beneficial as a preventative for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. I’m a little bit less sure whether rapamycin will be beneficial once a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease has been made.

Jane Rogers: Now to the nuts and bolts, how to find a doctor to see if a rapamycin prescription might be right for you. What dosing is best and what’s the cost. A good source to turn to is Rapamycin News. I’ll put the link below for you. Under the Buy Rapamycin tab, [00:10:00] you’ll find some articles. One is a full list of prescribers who can evaluate you for a rapamycin prescription in the US, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, UK, Europe, and some other countries. Some, you have to see them in person. Some can do phone consultations.

Matt Kaeberlein: I do recommend that people who are interested, potentially, in learning more about rapamycin or taking rapamycin, if at all possible, find a medical doctor who will prescribe it for you. I know there are people who [00:10:30] get rapamycin from offshore pharmacies without any medical supervision. My advice would be to do it under medical supervision. There are a growing number of MDs who are comfortable with evaluating people and determining whether something like rapamycin is the right choice for those people.

Jane Rogers: There is another article on Rapamycin News about cost in rapamycin, known in the clinical setting as sirolimus, and where to get it. It’s not a cheap drug. One can [00:11:00] expect to pay about $200 a month.

Matt Kaeberlein: The way that we handle healthcare in this country is a mess, and prescription drug prices reflect some of that. There are all sorts of lower priced options that are out there once you’ve got a prescription and so shop around, I would say. I think as long as the rapamycin that you’re getting is coming from an international or multinational pharmaceutical [00:11:30] company who’s producing it, it’s probably going to be just fine in terms of quality.

I know there’s a lot of concerns about quality of drugs from different parts of the world. It’s my impression that most of the drugs are made in the same places and then they’re just packaged differently. I’m not personally so concerned about that.

Jane Rogers: Personally, for my husband and me, we’re tolerating rapamycin well. I take 6 milligrams once a week, and my husband takes 10 milligrams because he weighs more. Also, he’s [00:12:00] 77 years old, wears a short beard, and it’s actually turning from white to black again. He’s written about his experience while on rapamycin, and I posted that essay below.

I’ve tried to cover the basics here about rapamycin, but I posted many resources below in case you want to dive deeper. I hope this was helpful. May we all live longer, better in health.

NIH Opinion Article on Rapamycin:-

How to Get Rapamycin, Where to get a Prescription:-

Alzheimer’s Disease and Rapamycin:

Atherosclerotic Heart Disease:

Cancer Prevention and Rapamycin:

Prevention of Normative Brain Aging and Rapamycin:

The Case for Starting Rapamycin Earlier in Life (e.g. late 20s) vs middle age (e.g. 50s) and Rapamycin benefits to fertility, menopause, erectile dysfunction, muscle function, obesity prevention, stem cell aging, hearing, oral health, spinal health, osteoarthritis, problems taking rapamycin when older, risks:

Evaluation of off-label rapamycin use to promote healthspan in 333 adults

What if this Works: Part 1 & 2 Essay by David Hoffman, Jane’s husband:-

Experimental Gerontology: Rapamycin, the only drug that has been consistently demonstrated to increase mammalian longevity. An update

Rapamycin News Link:-


0:02 So I hope your day’s going well today. I just wanted to share this video with you before you got into the metformin video because there have been some updates since I cut that video.

0:14 Metformin has long been used in the past. The anti-aging community because it helps to prevent cancer and heart disease and it slows aging.

0:24 It reverses aging. But, there was a study that just came out a couple months ago that has cast out on exactly who should be taking metformin.

0:33 It used to be everybody should take it. It was just a really good thing. It had a great safety profile.

0:38 However, this recent study is causing people in the industry to pause and say, you know what, for a time let’s just give this to people who have prediabetes or diabetes.

0:52 Let’s don’t give it to the individuals who are fine and don’t have any blood sugar issues. So what I want before you say, oh, I don’t have blood sugar issues.

1:00 I don’t even want to watch this. Hang on, because that’s the way I thought and there’s another indicator for blood sugar that most people don’t use that I, that caught my blood sugar problem and I just want you to know about it.

1:14 So first of all, let me jump back over to here. So if you want to reverse aging, you’ve got to.

1:21 Get good control of your blood sugar. You know, that’s kind of a given. And in order to do that, you need to get a blood draw and you can go to your doc.

1:30 If you have a good relationship with him or her, if it’s super easy, he or she can order you a blood draw or a lab that you can take over to lab.

1:39 However, if it’s just easier, you can go to a place I’ve started to turn to. It’s called And let me take you there so that you can see what it is.

1:51 So this is And if you go, let me start up here. Okay, so if you go here and you want to come to And then you go to categories, you want to go to blood sugar.

2:13 Okay, so when you go to blood sugar, scroll down. Now the neat thing about getting a lab from life extension is that it doesn’t require a doctor.

2:22 You just get to order it yourself and pay for it. The other neat thing about it is the you can get it drawn at lab core.

2:29 You don’t have to go hunt for a phlebotomist and then have to pay more money to get it drawn at some other lab so you get the phlebotomist.

2:36 Let me tell you what you need to get to check your blood sugar. You need to get hemoglobin A1c and you can get that for $23.

2:45 And then you need to come over here on the far right hand side and get your fasting glucose and insulin blood test and that’s for $25.

2:53 So those two and make sure when you’re checking out for the first time at Life Extension that you don’t do what I did.

2:59 That is accidentally it seems at least with me it seemed to default to ordering a lab draw kit. Well if they send you a kit you have to go find a phlebotomist.

3:07 That’s not what you want. You just want the lab order that you can get directly at LabCorp and that lab order that you buy on.

3:15 Here will show up in the LabCorp computer so when you go to get your your draw you just go up to the front desk you know you’ve got your ID and you’ve checked in and it’ll be right there under your name.

3:26 However I print out my lab order too just in case because you’ve gone over there you’ve gone to the hassle.

3:31 You don’t want them to say, oh I can’t find it in the computer so I also take a hard copy.

3:36 So just make sure that you’ve got this set right so you’re not getting the lab kit you’re just you’re getting the actual lab order that you can get drawn directly at LabCorp.

3:44 So that’s life extension. And here are the fasting blood tests you’ll need in order to determine if you have a blood sugar issue the fasting insulin fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c.

3:58 So those are the my blood sugar problems that I was completely unaware of for years and if you don’t get on top of it then you’re not going to be able to reverse aging from what I have learned.

4:14 The test that helped me is the HOMA-IR and with these results. You can figure your HOMA-IR score with the insulin and the glucose results.

4:27 Okay? So HOMA-IR stands for homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance and it is a condition in which the body cells become resistant to the effects of insulin leading to high blood sugar levels.

4:44 You all know that. But here is how to figure your HOMA-IR with an online calculator. If you try to do it yourself, you’d be taking the insulin and glucose results.

4:53 Taking your glucose and insulin, you’d multiply those two together, divided by 22.5. And that would give you your HOMA-IR score.

5:01 I find it’s just easier to turn to a calculator online. And I turn to this website:

So I’ve got that tab open up here.

5:11 And I had a 90 for my last glucose, fasting glucose test, and my an eight for that. Let’s go back to this.

5:27 And let me scroll down a little bit. So what you want is a HOMA-IR score of less than two.

5:35 If you have that and all your other labs are okay, you’re fasting insulin glucose and your hemoglobin A1C. Wait a go.

5:44 You have nailed your blood sugar and you don’t have a blood sugar issue. So therefore, this video that is going to follow is not for you right now.

5:52 However, we’ve got another trial going on right now that. It may make metformin right for everybody once again and doctors not being quite so cautious about prescribing it for people who do not have a blood sugar problem.

6:10 Now, if your blood sugar is over to, then this video is definitely. Definitely for you and you’ll want your blood sugar, I should say your homo IR is over to.

6:18 You’re gonna want to talk to your doctor about whether or not metformin will be right for you and chances are here she may say yes because of its anti-aging properties and its ability to bring that homo IR.

6:33 So I mentioned earlier that there’s a test going on and the test is right here. Metformin for everyone else. It’s been proposed as an anti-aging.

6:47 And a major clinical trial is about to get underway to test this idea once again. We’ve already had a lot of studies, but the latest ones have been cautious about prescribing it to people who do not have blood sugar issues.

6:59 So the findings conflict, as I mentioned right there. So the study that’s just started is called TAME and it is targeting aging with metformin and it’s going to start soon.

7:11 It was supposed to start in 2022, but it didn’t quite start yet. It’ll start soon. It’s going to run for the next six years.

7:18 And so we’re not going to, I didn’t have the results for that for quite a time and I just wanted you to be aware that’s why doctors are pausing for people who do not have diabetes or pre-diabetes when it comes to metformin.

7:29 So I think that’s it. I think that’s it. So I just wanted you to know about all that before you watch this next video.

7:39 Have a great day guys.


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 2: Metformin.

Jane Rogers: [00:00:00] Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. A question for you, if you could spend pennies a day to cut your risk of getting cancer, which if you live in America, your lifetime risk of being diagnosed with cancer is 40%, plus cut your risk of heart disease, frailty, depression and dementia, and the bonus, you have a better opportunity to live longer in health, [00:00:30] would you want to learn more? That’s what I said, “Tell me some more.”

Today, the drug Metformin is the most widely-used medication for diabetes taken by mouth. Metformin is the third-most commonly prescribed medication in the US, with more than 92 million prescriptions. It’s on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines. Its use dates to the 17th century, where extracts of the leaves of the French lilac, which contain [00:01:00] Metformin-like compounds, were used to treat plague, fever, snake bites and other ailments.

Here’s the kicker. Recently, scientists have discovered that Metformin also slows aging and reduces the incidence of age-related diseases, whether you’re diabetic or not. Studies show that diabetic individuals treated with Metformin get a survival benefit even when compared to non-diabetic. Controls.

David Sinclair: This is where [00:01:30] we can speak to a lot of data because millions of people have taken Metformin. One of the most interesting things about it is you can do a retrospective study of tens of thousands of elderly people on Metformin and ask, “Okay, their type 2 diabetes may be reduced and slowed down, but what about other diseases that they’re susceptible to; cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, frailty?” The answer that’s quite remarkable is that Metformin lowers the risk of all those other diseases.

Speaker 3: In control for everything else, what we see is that the [00:02:00] people who are on Metformin are living longer?

David: Than people who don’t have type 2 diabetes. It’s a remarkable fact.

Jane: Basically, what Dr. Sinclair said is echoed by Dr. Jared Campbell and others in a systemic review and analysis of the literature published in PubMed. Diabetics on Metformin live longer than non-diabetics and other diabetics. Diabetics on Metformin have less cancer than non-diabetics and other diabetics. Diabetics on Metformin have [00:02:30] less cardiovascular disease than other diabetics. Metformin may be able to extend health and lifespans in the general population.

I found this to be an interesting comment about Metformin at the Ninth Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting in Copenhagen. Metformin has been around long enough that it’s had years to prove its safety record.

Kristen Fortney: I just want to chime in that drugs like Metformin, SGLT2 and Rapamycin, these are three special cases in [00:03:00] the sense that yes, we know because they’ve been given to upwards of millions of people over a long period of time, what the full side effect profile will be, what the risks will be, so we can go there.

Jane: We can go there more readily because Metformin is affordable. It’s over-the-counter in half the world, it’s off patent, it’s around $5 a month as a prescription in the United States. Metformin is like Rapamycin when it comes to mimicking caloric restriction. It doesn’t inhibitor, but it does slow [00:03:30] down how mitochondria converts macronutrients into energy. This triggers AMPK to become activated, and that’s an enzyme which responds during low-energy levels. This process actually restores the mitochondria’s function. Metformin ramps up mitochondrial activity, and it also has the potential of some weight loss.

David: Well, yes, I’m seeing a lot more people taking Metformin with the approval of their physician. [00:04:00] Part of it is education. Typically, when a doctor sees the evidence, and there’s an extensive literature, and sometimes the patient takes the information to the doctor, or a book, the doctor, in most cases, is convinced that this is worth the risk. Now, it’s not risk-free. We should mention that Metformin has some downsides.

One is that it can cause lactic acidosis, which is quite a severe condition. It can be fatal, you have to be very careful there. Most people are fine on Metformin. The [00:04:30] biggest thing that happens to them is that they have an upset stomach, lack of hunger, which can actually be a good thing if you want to lose weight as well.

Jane: I hope this was helpful to you. Have a great day.


Here’s an online HOMA-IR calculator that can do the math for you:


Life Extension for blood test orders without a doctor’s order:


Metformin reduces all-cause mortality and diseases of ageing independent of its effect on diabetes control: A systematic review:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 3: NMN.

Jane Rogers: [00:00:00] Good morning. I just wanted to share one of the things that I do in the morning is because I feel shot out of a cannon this morning with a lot of energy. One of the things I do, I picked up from David Sinclair, he’s the Harvard researcher, and he does Nicotinamide Riboside, which is NR, or he does NMN, which is Nicotinamide [00:00:30] Mononucleotide every morning.


I started doing that too because studies are showing– his research out of Harvard, and in his book, and I’ve got a link below to a podcast where he talks about this if you want to dive deeper into it. Studies are showing that if you can boost your NAD levels, then you are able to fight the diseases of ageing better, because NAD is something in your body that it needs for energy and it decreases with age. That’s one of [00:01:00] the reasons that we age and get cognitive decline and things like that is because of our decline in NAD.


If you can keep your NAD levels up, that’s good. I just wanted to share with you what I do every morning and that I take this product that’s called pure NMN. Now, one of the problems with David Sinclair and his recommendations are that he doesn’t tell you where to get, where to source the NMN. That’s hard because [00:01:30] NMN supposedly, according to him, is not created equal and so I didn’t know what to do. One of the people you’ve seen on our podcast a lot, Dr. Lisa Boyles, she did a deep dive into this and found out that this is the cleanest source of NMN that she could find after it had been tested, I guess in labs.


That’s what I take. It’s easy. I take it every morning and I just put it under my tongue and it increases my energy and my NAD levels. You just put it in your mouth and just let it dissolve. [00:02:00] I take one gram of NMN every morning this way. Also, “The Alive by Science” brand is now called “Renew by Science”, same product, different name. There are several ways NMN helps your anti-aging efforts. Here’s David Sinclair, PhD with the Harvard Medical School and author of The New York Times bestseller Lifespan, to explain more.


David Sinclair: We took up the challenge and we’ve been doing these studies for the last few years in my lab. Now, preliminarily, these mice have less frailty. [00:02:30] We’ve reported that out in the scientific community. They seem to be younger, having better activity, better mitochondrial function, they run further. The lifespan looks promising. We’ve done it once and they do live longer on NMN. The doses are about 400 mg per gig.


Speaker 3: How much longer?


David: At this point by recollections is about 10% to 15%.


Jane: Dr. Sinclair went on to explain that even more research with humans was expected soon, and here it is. Released in December 2022, [00:03:00] we have a new article in Springer, further proving the beneficial effects of NMN. This study is the real deal, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group dose-dependent clinical trial. It includes 80 middle-aged adults for a 60-day clinical trial. The objectives were to test the effect of NMN on NAD levels and reconfirm the safety.


Certain other tests were carried out too, like a walking test to see how far [00:03:30] the participants could walk in a six-minute window. Those taking NMN had significantly better walking scores than those who were not taking NMN, which is in line with what we could imagine due to NMN’s effect on skeletal muscle.


Another interesting finding was the reduction in blood biological age for those taking NMN. Participants taking NMN also reported better sleep. The trial results show that [00:04:00] with, as you know, NMN is very safe and well-tolerated.


Onto the NAD levels for this study. NAD levels taken from the blood showed a large increase in NAD for those taking NMN. The NMN was just dissolved under the tongue as a powder and swallowed as it should be, no crazy methods of ingesting it. Finally, I want to share another really cool thing about NMN using it for jet lag. [00:04:30] NMN is an NAD booster. NAD levels cycle throughout the day. They go up in the morning, they get you ready, and then they go down at night. You don’t want to be taking this supplement late at night because it’s going to make your body believe that it’s the morning.


Dr. Sinclair, the Harvard researcher, also believes, and it is backed up by mouse studies, that jet lag is caused by a disruption of the cycle of NAD going up and down in your body. He’s been using [00:05:00] NMN to reset his body when he travels. I tried it several times. NMN is working for me when I travel as well. I just take it first thing in the morning wherever I am, my NAD levels are reset to the morning, wherever I am, and I’m not experiencing any jet lag. Really, it’s pretty cool. I hope this was helpful and I hope you have a great day.


NMN Sourcing:-


Renue by Science NMN – Molecule Stability, Shelf Life and Storage:-


Lifespan Podcast Episode about NMN, NR, Resveratrol, Metformin & Other Longevity Molecules on YouTube:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 4: Resveratrol.

Jane Rodgers: Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. we have talked about NMN as an NAD booster, but there’s another powerful one. It’s a natural compound in the skin of grapes called resveratrol, and it is one of the molecules found in red wine. Resveratrol is a master NAD booster. NAD usually declines with age, but it’s critical to keep NAD up at more youthful [00:00:30] levels.

Why? Because NAD is the fuel for an important enzyme called sirtuins. Sirtuins have the ability to turn genes on and off and control our health, our fitness, and our very survival. We don’t have to worry about low NAD and low sirtuins when we’re young, and that’s why cancer and heart disease, and dementia, the diseases of aging don’t generally strike the young, but as those birthdays pile up, low NAD levels go [00:01:00] hand in hand with low sirtuin levels.

That’s why the older we get, the more we succumb to the diseases of aging. The goal is to keep NAD up, and by doing that, you keep sirtuins up and you prevent disease. You have to drink hundreds of glasses a day of red wine to get the doses that are efficacious. One must take it in another form. Personally, I take a thousand milligrams, which is one gram of [00:01:30] micronized trans-resveratrol in pill form every day.

There are a couple of things you want in this supplement. Number one, you want the trans-resveratrol form. That’s the form that activates the sirtuin enzyme. Other forms of resveratrol in studies didn’t do that. Number two, you want micronized. That’s for human bioavailability. An early Dr. Sinclair’s study found that levels of resveratrol in the blood were 3.6 times greater [00:02:00] when using micronized formulations.

Number three, you also want 98% of the pill to be pure resveratrol and not other things. You can get diarrhea with a pill that contains only 50% resveratrol because you’re also getting a whole bunch of other stuff in that pill. Number four, it’s important to take trans-resveratrol with a food that contains a fat, think yogurt or olive oil. Dr. Sinclair’s studies [00:02:30] show that without fat, resveratrol absorption was five times lower.

Finally, from a Dr. Sinclair interview with Rhonda Patrick, we learned to store resveratrol out of the light and heat. Light turns it brown and it won’t be effective then, extreme heat isn’t good either, but neither is refrigeration and possible moisture contamination. Well, with all that, where do you turn to get your resveratrol for sourcing?

I have a [00:03:00] big list below from where you can get this 98% micronized trans-resveratrol in pill or powder form. Remember, you’re wanting all of this because resveratrol boosts NAD, which in turn boosts sirtuins, which in turn prevents the diseases of aging. How does it do this? Well, one of the things it’s doing is mimicking caloric restrictions.

David Sinclair: When we see resveratrol given to these rodents, what the biggest surprise [00:03:30] was, was that they were protected against a high-fat so-called Western diet. Those mice on resveratrol, even though they were really obese on this really chunky meal, they lived as long as the lean mice that we had as the control group. That was really, as far as I know, the first study of any that showed that you could mimic caloric restriction with a molecule and be fat, but live as healthy as a lean animal.

Jane Rodgers: Also, in animals, anti-cancer activity and mitochondrial boosting has been [00:04:00] seen. In humans, resveratrol has been shown to improve fast in glucose and insulin sensitivity. Those two findings happened in 2019. In 2020, it was found to lower total cholesterol and raise good cholesterol, HDL. It improves metabolic and cardiovascular markers.

Resveratrol reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in healthy people, and it improves memory for the obese, but otherwise [00:04:30] healthy 50 to 75-year-olds. For the fun of it, does this anti-aging intervention stuff work? Dr. Sinclair’s photo in 2009 compared to one 10 years later in 2019. In the first, he is 40, in the second he’s 50. Yes, he’s better lit in the 50-year-old picture, but he certainly hasn’t aged much in 10 years, has he? In fact, don’t you think he looks younger? [00:05:00] May we all be so fortunate. I hope this was helpful. May we all live better longer in health. Have a great day.

Micronized TransResveratrol Sources:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 5: Zombies and Senolytics.

Jane Rogers: [00:00:00] Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. In this short video, we’re going to dive into zombie cells, what they are, what they do, and when, and why we might want to kill them off. One of the key hallmarks of aging is the accumulation of senescent cells, as they’re also called. These are cells, they’re still hanging around, but can’t reproduce. They’re zombies, and they can sit around in our [00:00:30] tissues for decades. A senescent cell has four main characteristics according to Alan Green, MD, and expert in this area.

First, senescent cells are blocked from cell division. They can’t reproduce and become two new cells. This has a major impact on tissues which requires stem cells to replace lost cells. Now, here’s an example. A recent study finds in 70-year-old people, over half of cardiac stem cells are senescent. Half, and [00:01:00] they can’t form healthy new heart cells. This contributes to heart failure. Second, senescent cells hurt bystander, neighboring healthy cells. This effect is similar to the well-known phenomenon described in that old expression, “One rotten apple spoils the barrel.” Third, there’s a witches brew, you might call it, of highly active substances produced by senescent cells.

This consists of a fearsome mix, including [00:01:30] pro-inflammatory cytokines. In chronically inflamed people, it’s unhealthy and it leads to quicker aging. It’s called inflammaging, and it’s the driving force in many age-related diseases like heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Inflammaging is also a cancer accelerant. Cytokines can make surrounding cells into zombies, prompting tumor growth and spread.

Finally, the fourth characteristic of a senescent cell, the most harmful [00:02:00] effect, is that they give out special stimuli to end-stage cells like neurons, forcing them to divide which will lead to their own cell death or becoming a zombie cell. Green writes, “This is the neuron pathway to death in Alzheimer’s disease.”

Now, we know what senescent cells are, what do we do about them? Davidson Sinclair, PhD from the Harvard Medical School, writes in his book Lifespan “The best [00:02:30] thing to do is to kill them off” and “drugs called Senolytics may be what we need to fight the battle of aging on this front end.” Senolytics makes cells that should have died actually finally kicked the bucket. They have the potential to rejuvenate us.

In research led by the Mayo Clinic, getting rid of senescent cells in mice makes them healthier and they live longer. Three studies in mice [00:03:00] show that getting rid of these zombie cells at the age equivalent to a 40-year-old human confers the greatest longevity benefit. The extension of median lifespan was up to 35%.

In another study at Mayo, research with monkeys found the drugs Dasatinib and Fisetin together did the best job of killing senescent cells. Fisetin, which gives plants such as strawberries and persimmons their color, also [00:03:30] kills zombie cells. Not every patient should have a zombie cell killer prescription though. However, if your longevity practitioner recommends it for you, he or she might suggest a dose similar to Dr. Alan Green’s, which is 100 milligrams of Dasatinib, plus 2000 milligrams of Fisetin for two consecutive days once every three months. However, just like many things in the newly emerging general therapy space, there [00:04:00] are differences in opinions.

Recently, a UCSF scientist said that their studies have shown that when they have used Senolytics to kill zombie cells, they’ve witnessed injuries and organs like the lungs. The lungs are healing more slowly. Once again, consult with your own longevity practitioner first to see if Senolytics would be smart for you. If you want to dive deeper into this research, please see the attachments below. I hope it was [00:04:30] helpful. May we all live better longer in health.

Dasatinib plus Fisetin:-

In a recent paper, “Paradoxes of Senolytics”, 2018, Blagosklonny:-

Life Span Extension Mice: Rapamycin, Senolytics:- 

Pathology of Senescent Cells:-

Senescent Cell or Zombie Cell:

Three Human Clinical Studies: Dasatinib + Quercetin:-

Treatment With Senolytics:-

Senescent Cells also Help to Heal Damaged Tissues:-–SZXrbxhm5KznoZpOa4mF/view?usp=sharing

Drug combo removes senescent cells, restores cell growth in obese mouse model:-

Zombie Cells Might Not Be All Bad:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 6: CBN.

Jane Rogers: [00:00:00] Can a specific compound in cannabis have a neuroprotective effect? We’ve all heard about THC and CBD, but research from the Salk Institute finds a lesser-known compound called cannabinol, or CBN for short, might help protect the brain from Alzheimer’s. The good news is that even in states where pot is illegal, CBN is okay and sold. [00:00:30] In today’s episode of the Cutting Edge Health: Preventing Cognitive Decline podcast, our guest is Dr. Pam Maher, a research professor and head of Salk’s Cellular Neurobiology Lab.

Dr. Pam Maher: It’s known that in aging and particularly in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, mitochondrial function goes down. They become not as good at producing energy. We were [00:01:00] able to see that CBN was able to prevent that decrease in energy production. It did so by maintaining multiple aspects of mitochondrial function, which was quite intriguing because mitochondrial function is regulated by a variety of processes.

The insult that we used [00:01:30] decreased or adversely affected all of these processes, and CBN was able to reverse that. Right now, we are in the middle of doing some animal studies to see if it can improve aging in an animal model that develops some of the characteristic memory impairments associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Cutting Edge Health Podcast episode with Dr. Pam Maher, head of the Salk Institute’s Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 7: Methylene Blue.

Warning:  Don’t take methylene blue if you’re on an antidepressant, especially SSRIs and SNRIs, as high levels of serotonin can build up in the brain causing toxicity.

Jane Rogers: I wanted to share why I’m taking methylene blue and then how to make it because I’ve learned a lot since I started doing this. I started– let me tell you first why. I started doing this because of the interviews I’ve been doing on the Cutting Edge Health: Preventing Cognitive Decline Podcast.

I interviewed a man named Dr. Dayan Goodenowe. He’s a biochemist. [00:00:30] He told me after analyzing my blood work that my family’s problem with Alzheimer’s was not due to the APOE4 gene, the Alzheimer’s gene. He looked at my blood work and said, “Your mitochondria is barely functioning.” He said, “I think your mother and father may have had Alzheimer’s because of a mitochondrial insufficiency.”

I tuck that away, and then, a couple of weeks later, I interviewed Dr. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima. Now, he’s a neuroscientist [00:01:00] at the University of Texas Austin. He said that he has a way to help mitochondrial insufficiency, and that’s by getting more oxygen up into the brain. The way he found this out, he really camped out in Sun City, Arizona, to look at the postmortem brains of Alzheimer’s patients and also people without Alzheimer’s.

What he found was a deficiency of oxygen [00:01:30] reaching the mitochondria through an enzyme, a special enzyme called cytochrome oxidase. He says that 9 out of 10 cases of Alzheimer’s, in his opinion, are not caused by amyloid beta or some of those plaques that get into your brain. Instead, he thinks it’s really caused by the lack of oxygen getting up there. Then he found a remedy for it. The remedy is methylene blue.

You may have heard of this before, it’s what you used to dye blue jeans or something with [00:02:00] aquariums. The methylene blue he says we have to use is USP grade, which means it’s pharmacological grade. It’s good stuff. We use a very small amount of it, like a real small amount. I started doing this, and what I found was that my energy really picked up like day one. I had more energy.

The person who does post-production work for this podcast, Alan, so he started trying it after listening to the Gonzalez-Lima interview. He said his energy picked up [00:02:30] as well. I think there’s some efficacy to this, and it’s not expensive, and so I’ve been doing it. I think it is getting oxygen to my mitochondria through the cytochrome oxidase enzyme.

I wanted to share with you what I’m doing here, and that is I decided to go with a company for my methylene blue called CZTL. They’re giving you a discount if you want to use it. It’s $10 off. I think you put in [00:03:00] Jane10 at checkout, and you get this discount.

I decided to use this, though, because it’s USP grade, it’s made in America. They send you a certificate that tells you its authenticity. For me, that was important. If I’m going to be taking it often, I want to know this is the real deal and this is USP grade. That’s why I went with this company, but there are other ones that you can go with in India, and I’ve heard really good things about them. That may be something you might want to explore.

[00:03:30] What you do is you take 100 milliliters of filtered water. It’s got to be filtered. I also have a little funnel to be able to pour it into my bottle afterwards. You take the methylene blue, and you add it to the water, stir it up. You need a spoon to really swish it around, and watch this thing. It’s really cool. You’ll notice I’m doing this outside. It is super messy. I did it in the house a couple of times. I kept spilling. It just [00:04:00] seems to jump right out of the jar.

Okay, see how that turns blue? What you’re wanting to do is– I’m going to use this because I forgot to bring a spoon out. You want to stir it. Methylene blue works to put oxygen into your mitochondria because it’s very low dose, and that’s all your body needs. [00:04:30] You don’t have to take very much of it, and you’ll know that you’re getting the right amount when your pee turns in the toilet. Everyone says it should turn blue. It doesn’t turn blue for me. It turns green because the blue of the methylene blue, once it is excreted, it oxidizes, and that’s what turns color.

It’s not blue in my body. It’s only when it touches the oxygen that it turns blue. You pee, and you’re peeing blue, but your pee’s yellow, so blue and yellow make green. [00:05:00] The pee ends up being green. Now, what you want is a low level of this green pee in the toilet, and that’s all you need, just this low level.

When it goes away, it’s time to take more methylene blue. Everybody’s different in how they metabolize this. For me, it takes 36 hours. I’m taking this like every two to three days because I just want a really low level in my body, and you take it in the morning on an empty stomach, and I’m [00:05:30] obviously doing it outside on an old stump. Make sure you have paper towels, and then I just pour a little bit of it into this bottle.

This, for me, is an old Quicksilver. Are you familiar with the company Quicksilver? This is one of their bottles. I’ve tried droppers, I’ve tried just using a teaspoon, I spill it all over. Then how much do you take? It’s that easy. Super easy. [00:06:00] Sound good. The stump doesn’t care if it turns blue. Then I just take and squirt this in my mouth. Now, how much to take?

To help you answer the how much do you take question, you should first talk with your healthcare practitioner to make sure this is right for you and at what dose. Everyone’s different, so what I do might not work for you, but in CZTL’s experience, super low doses [00:06:30] of methylene blue work well, and increasing the quantity does not necessarily improve the outcome dramatically. Start low from .5 ml and work your way up to 3 ml if required. .5 ml is equal to 5 milligrams when 1 gram is mixed in 100 milliliters of water.

This is what I showed you how to do. It is best to use the measuring dropper provided to get [00:07:00] .5 ml. It has markings to accurately measure this. .5 ml is the lower most mark on the provided pipette. Beyond 3 ml, which is a bit more than half a teaspoon, always take the advice and guidance of an expert. Since methylene blue has a short half-life in the body– I mentioned I take methylene blue in the morning because it gives me so much energy. Since methylene blue has a short half-life in the body, [00:07:30] in some cases splitting the dosage to twice a day has shown to provide higher benefits than increasing dosage. Finally, to reduce blue tongue, suck on a vitamin C right after taking CZTL methylene blue.

Now, the fun part, watch this. You take this, and it turns your mouth blue, like really blue, but it doesn’t last very long, and I haven’t checked to see how long, but I think it’s less than an hour. [00:08:00] Now, look at this. It’s pretty amazing for a while, but it goes down, and it fades away. I hope you found this helpful. Just make sure you do it outside. Make sure you get USP grade. If you want to take advantage of the discount at CZTL, you can, but I think the bottom line is powering your mitochondria with more oxygen, and you’ll feel it.

Oh, I mentioned it before, but make [00:08:30] sure you take it in the morning because it gives you so much energy. I took it late in the day one time, and I found out that I just had too much energy late at night, and that wasn’t real good. Hope this was helpful.


This website and the information in the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Online Course is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice or professional services. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider. Cutting Edge Health, LLC is not responsible for what may happen to you if you use their information in place of official advice from a medical professional. All copyrights to this website and its contents are the property of the Cutting Edge Health, LLC.


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 8: Hydrogen Omega-3s.

Jane Rogers: [00:00:00] Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. Inflammageing, a term coined at the turn of the 21st century is something that you don’t want, but we’re susceptible to this as we age. Studies show inflammageing usually starts around age 50 with pro-inflammatory markers in our blood and tissues going up. Chronic inflammation causes decreases in NAD. Decreases in [00:00:30] NAD levels, we’ve learned is not good.

You’ll recall from the lessons on NAD precursors like resveratrol and NMN, that it’s critical to keep NAD and thus sirtuin enzymes, which the NAD fuels, at a good strong level to prevent cancer, heart disease, and dementia, the diseases of aging. Now we have inflammation, that comes around after age 50, try to wipe out our efforts to boost NAD. It is worth fighting the fight against inflammation [00:01:00] by finding out if you have it and then figuring out what’s causing it.

Many don’t even realize they have this problem. You can’t just look at somebody and see this bodily inflammation. It is not like a puffiness that you– It’s something blood tests only reveal, blood tests like interleukin-6, IL-6. Tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-α, Tgf-beta-1. That [00:01:30] is short for transforming growth factor beta one.

These are some of the tests that can reveal a high inflammatory load, but most docs don’t order these for these patients, and I’ve found, unless it’s requested. Having too much bodily inflammation is a critical risk factor for the diseases of aging. Another test is high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, hs-CRP. This detects inflammation in the vascular system. Here’s [00:02:00] Dr. Lisa Broyles.

Dr. Lisa Broyles: The next thing that we want to look at is your inflammation levels. If your blood vessels are nice and smooth, then even though you have too much cholesterol, it’s going to flow right through those blood vessels and not form plaque, but if the inner lining called the endothelium is irritated and rough, then it’s like Velcro and it’s more prone for plaque to stick and then start to build up and eventually clot off an artery. What causes [00:02:30] that Velcro-type stickiness is inflammation. The Boston Heart Test looks at several markers for inflammation in your blood vessels. One of them being something called high-sensitivity CRP. It’ll be on your paperwork hs-CRP.

It’s also referred to as a cardiac CRP. This number should be under one. Interestingly, I’ve seen a lot of people that have just recovered from COVID, and their hs-CRP numbers have been as high [00:03:00] as 40 to 70 after they’ve had COVID, which shows just a massive amount of inflammation in the blood vessels, but specifically, the hs-CRP is looking at the cardiac blood vessels, the blood vessels supplying the heart and the aorta.

Jane: Dr. Broyles went on to say omega−3s will help put a fire blanket on inflammation.

Lisa: There’s three omega-3s, the DHA, the EPA, and ALA. Your body cannot make its own ALA. It has to get [00:03:30] it from supplements or from diet. Salmon is a wonderful source as long as it’s wild-caught because we want it to be good for you and not have a bunch of toxins in it, so wild-caught salmon is excellent. I tell my patients to eat it at least once a week. You also want to eat raw walnuts. Unfortunately, if your walnuts have been roasted and salted, they’re no longer good for you as far as the omega-3 levels.

The other thing is flax seeds, and people say, “Oh, well I have ground flax,” [00:04:00] or, “I have whole flax in my baking items.” Neither of those, unfortunately, are a good source of omega-3s when it comes to vascular health. You really need to freeze your flax seeds and in the morning, take a tablespoon, throw them in your coffee grinder or your herb grinder, nice and fresh, and put that ground flax in food or water each day. That freshly ground flax has much higher levels of omega-3 than using it any other way.

Jane: [00:04:30] Omega-3s will help to get your inflammatory load down and many studies like this one show there is something else that should be considered to reduce inflammation. Drinking hydrogen-rich water a couple times a day. Hydrogen-rich water or molecular hydrogen, as it’s sometimes called, is regular water with hydrogen gas added. The hydrogen gas, for me, comes in a tablet that dissolves in water. Personally, [00:05:00] I do this several times a day to try to keep my inflammation low. As I get older, too much bodily inflammation is something I’m always battling.

Hydrogen-rich water can reduce inflammation by downregulating pro-inflammatory cells and upregulating anti-inflammatory cells, fighting oxidative stress and free radicals that lead to aging. Its safety profile shows that it’s well tolerated too. With that ability, hydrogen-rich water [00:05:30] can also help with something else, and that’s air travel. When you fly, there’s increased radiation. At 35,000 feet, you’re closer to the sun. Hydrogen-rich water has been shown to mitigate up to 80% of the damage caused from being at high altitudes for hours.

Personally, I drink a cup of hydrogen-rich water every two hours when I’m flying. I hope this was helpful. May we all live longer, better in health. Have a great day.

Anti inflammatory and antitumor action of hydrogen via reactive oxygen species (Review):-

Hydrogen rich water reduces infammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults: a randomized, doubleblind, controlled trial:-

Hydrogen, a Novel Therapeutic Molecule, Regulates Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Apoptosis:-

The Effects of 24-Week, High-Concentration Hydrogen-Rich Water on Body Composition, Blood Lipid Profiles and Inflammation Biomarkers in Men and Women with Metabolic Syndrome- A Randomized Controlled Trial:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 9: What Top Longevity Experts Take.

Jane Rogers: [00:00:00] Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. I get a whole lot out of looking at the prescriptions and supplements that a few select people in the longevity space are taking. Not that what they’re taking is right for me or you. Everybody is unique, but the PhDs and MDs in this field are often the earliest adopters of molecules that they see are working in their own labs or the labs of colleagues.

Who do I watch? I love Rhonda Patrick, Peter Attia, David Sinclair, Andrew Huberman, and Dayan Goodenowe. Their supplement stacks change pretty frequently though, so instead of including what they take here in this video, please look at the links below to see what each is currently taking. I’ll keep the list below updated.

I hope this was helpful. May we all live better, longer. Have a great day.

The Supplement Lists from Recognized Individuals in the Longevity Sector:-


Jane Rogers: Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. We have covered so much ground, starting with the longevity lifestyle, and what molecules to consider to slow aging and get more quality years in your life. In this module, we’re going to dive into longevity technology to measure and optimize. There are fancy high-tech options and old-fashioned low-tech gadgets. There are options for the budget sensitive and for the maximizers with more to put into it.

There is hyped-up marketing in the longevity sector. We all know that, but be careful that although a technology you’re considering might help with a specific goal, that goal might not make a difference for your longevity. Many of the things we’re going to talk about are new technologies and therefore, the time and expense to rigorously test each hasn’t happened yet. Be aware that if you buy something and then you rarely use it, that’s not going to help you out either. Finally, Cutting Edge Health has zero affiliation with any of the products I’m going to show you.

Let’s start with devices that can help you track and analyze the physical activity that you want to do. There are activity tracker watches like the Apple Watch, the Samsung Galaxy watch, the Garmin Venu, and Fitbit devices. The downside. The apps that come with these devices are not as specialized, especially when it comes to making recommendations. You typically have to download a separate app for the sleep side of things versus the activity.

To go into much depth, there’s the WHOOP wristband to track physical activity, which you can get used on eBay for less money. Then there’s the Oura Ring for tracking physical activity, heart rate, heart rate variability, and recovery. I wear an Oura Ring. I would say WHOOP [00:02:00] and Oura really stand out with their apps. They constantly remind you about your goals and whether you’ve accomplished them for the day. Also, the WHOOP and the Oura Ring shine for sleep tracking. I’ll get to sleep tracking in just a bit.

Speaking of tracking physical exercise, a technology just to be aware of is Far Infrared Light. Of course, actually, exercise is better, but you have similar benefits that you get from exercise with Far Infrared Light. The Far Infrared waves go right through your skin and they get to the organ level. They heat you up from the inside out. You sweat just like exercise, your heart rate increases, and so on. There’s a product called HigherDOSE, which offers a Far Infrared blanket, which you can see here, or you can purchase entire Far Infrared saunas for a few thousand dollars. These do make you sweat.

Moving on, we just discussed Far Infrared Light and there’s use of Near Infrared and red light together, called photobiomodulation. It does not make you sweat, but it has some good health benefits like improving mitochondrial health and increasing ATP, which gives your cells more energy. The value of these is that with more energy, your cells are better able to repair themselves and to function properly.

I’m embarrassed to show you this furnace room. It’s got all of our junk in here, but this is where I do the ZAAZ. I do, do this every morning. I turn on the Joovv light so that I maximize my time. The ZAAZ will vibrate you, supposedly gives you more bone density. When NASA astronauts went up into space, [00:04:00] they came back with more bone density, I’ve read, after they use something like this. You turn it on and it slightly shakes you, and then you also then get the infrared light. This is a Joovv and it gives you something called photobiomodulation. It helps reduce inflammation, it helps your skin cells turn over faster.

Usually, I don’t do it with any clothes on because you want all the light hitting you. Speaking of light, to get a good night’s sleep, you need to optimize your circadian rhythm. There are devices like Hue Wi-Fi light bulbs. The two pack for $90 or there are other brands that recently launched that you could find on Amazon or at Costco that also perform similar functions to Hue but are less expensive. With these, you can get red or amber light in the evening. With these colors of light, you’re increasing your melatonin production before you go to bed and you’ll get better sleep.

I find I actually feel tired shortly after turning red or amber lights on. You can use candlelight in the evening to achieve the same uptick in melatonin, and that’s the cheapest of them all, or there’re amber-tinted eyeglasses for $25. You can wear these in the evening. What you don’t want is blue light from a computer or a TV monitor before bed, that isn’t conducive to your circadian rhythm. Great sleep is important for longevity. When you’re sleeping, you want darkness. Blackout shades are an option, but inside the bedroom, even those tiny little LEDs on your electronics, those blue green, yellow white lights can negatively impact your sleep.

In order to really block all that and not taping a little square of cardboard on top of every single LED light, you can consider getting a $20 sleep [00:06:00] mask. I love my sleep mask. I use the Mercola sleep mask with lavender. They last forever. I give them as holiday presents. In the sleep tracking category, the WHOOP or an Oura Ring work well. The Oura Ring gives you a whole lot of information. It’s one device I cannot imagine being without. Here’s my Oura Ring data. There’s the amount of deep sleep and REM sleep, rapid eye movement sleep. You want 25% of your sleep time spent in deep sleep, and 25% spent in REM sleep.

The Oura Ring measures how long it takes for my resting heart rate to hit a low point in the night, signaling my body’s recovery. The earlier the low point, the better recovered you are. A signal of whether or not to take it easy the next day. The Oura Ring measures body temperature and how long it takes to fall asleep too. This data illustrates well for me that if you can measure it, you can change it. When I first got my ring, I was only getting three minutes a night of deep sleep. I had no idea it was pathetic.

You can’t repair or recover with that kind of sleep. Now I’m getting at least an hour each night and it’s one of the areas I’m still trying to optimize further. There is always something, isn’t there? An Oura Ring is not an accurate as an in-lab sleep study, but it does well enough.

Sara Mednick: We actually use the Oura Ring in my lab to remotely measure people’s sleep in research studies. The thing is that they give you a number. It’s not the same as what I would get if I was bringing you into the lab and I had polysomnography, and I had electrodes on your brain, and I was measuring your heart rate. I could measure all these things from medical-grade devices. I think the Oura Ring, the reason why it is as good as it is, is because they [00:08:00] actually have done a lot of work to validate their algorithm to polysomnography, to the medical grade pornography. They’re doing as best as they can with the information that they have.

Jane: Some device that’s most helpful to getting more deep sleep from me are sleep temperature modulating devices like the Chilipad, starting at $640, which I do love, the BedJet, or the Eight Sleep, which starts at $2,200. The value of these devices is that sleep temperature can have a significant impact on the quality and duration of your sleep. Anything that improves your sleep is good for your longevity.

Another sleep optimization idea is to block noises that can cause you to wake up. I actually wear Bose headsets when I sleep, but they are big. Better for most are spongy earplugs put in correctly. To do that, you roll them with your thumb and your fingers, pressing them in until they’re needle-thin. You reach behind your head with the opposite hand and pull your ear outward and upward. While you’re doing that, you stick the squish-down point of the earplug into your ear canal, and as that earplug opens up again, all the sound is gone. You should only feel the end of the earplug once it’s in your ear. Do it again if it feels like a sticking out more and earplugs are cheap.

There are also white noise machines and white noise apps, which you can play on speakers loud enough to hear. Another thing that can improve your sleep quality actually takes place in the morning. We are up bright and early, and we are walking to get coffee. The real reason we’re walking is because we want the light of the morning right away, right when you wake up because it’s for the circadian resetting of your clock. The circadian rhythm. [00:10:00] It doesn’t take that long. You’re supposed to walk 10 minutes with somebody, be in conversation. It’s supposed to be good.

Being outside like that is circadian rhythm entrainment, which even though it happens in the morning, it still maximizes the quality, duration and the onset of your upcoming sleep that night. You want high lux warning light even if it’s cloudy, when the sun’s low in the sky. It’s absolutely free. In addition to this, make sure you get 30 minutes of time outside before lunch. You’ll sleep much better by doing this. If you can’t get out, consider a SAD lamp. You can find then on Amazon for around $60. Then a little bit of an upgrade would be SAD glasses for $150.

The next category for longevity technology is diet and metabolism. One technology for tracking is a smart scale. The Withings Body Comp scale is a good tool to be able to measure how your lifestyle interventions are impacting your cardiovascular health and your visceral fat. Continuing with diet and metabolism, blood glucose monitors fall into this category. They’re typically associated with diabetics. That’s what they were designed for, but many of us trying to increase our health spans are now using them to track our blood sugar.

Low insulin levels are linked to longer life spans in many animal species. There are the old-fashioned finger prick monitors, and then there are the continuous glucose monitors. CGM for short. Like FreeStyle Libre and the Dexcom G7, they offer automated measurements every few minutes for a couple weeks, which then sync with your phone. Here is my partner wearing a FreeStyle Libre continuous glucose monitor this morning as I’m working on this lesson.

A healthy range like 80 to 90 milligrams [00:12:00] per deciliter fasting and at least below 100 is advised. With this reading, which was just after he ate breakfast, the reading is higher. By tracking my own blood sugars carefully using finger prick and the Continuous Glucose Monitors, I was able to get and keep my sugars down as they’re called in North Carolina where I now live. I have used the CGM multiple times, and each time, it stays in your arm for about two weeks.

I’m not currently using it. I find once that you know what spikes your sugar. For me, it’s apple sauce and potatoes, I don’t need to use it regularly anymore. Maybe just once a year after that. You can consider this to be a short-term expense. Each CGM is about $100. Speaking of tracking blood sugar, there are CGM smartphone apps like Nutrisense,, Veri, and Levels that complement the CGM hardware.

You pay for this, but they also enable you to get the CGM device to stick to your arm rather than have to see your doctor and ask for a prescription. I have found some docs are hesitant to prescribe the CGM if you’re not a diabetic. Some of these apps offer personalized diet consultation with a dietician. Other use AI to make recommendations in real time, and each is different with a different price point.

Next for diet and metabolism are diet trackers apps like Noom, which is one of the most popular apps out there for diet, Lifesum and Fooducate. The next category is psychology and cognition. One of the best ways to be able to improve psychology and cognition, and optimism, and reduce anxiety, and so on, is through meditation. There are apps like Calm and devices like Muse or HeartMath that can improve overall health [00:14:00] by a reduction in the stress hormones. The Muse device is one that measures your brain waves, and it can help to reinforce the meditation process.

The next category is your environment, which includes breathing clean air, reducing pollution and allergens. A study by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago known as EPIC, found that pollution causes slightly greater impact on death than smoking does. There are air purifiers on Amazon in the $100 range. Consider an excellent air purifier like the AirDoctor, which has a better budget sensitive price tag at $300 than the HEPA filter like the Molekule at $1,000. Getting one of these will help your bodies toxin exposure, and they are imperative if you live in a place with wild fires and their toxic smoke like we do in the summer.

On to the topic of skin aging. There’s microneedling and vampire facials also known as PRP or Platelet-rich plasma. Both of these use devices that make thousands of microincisions in your skin with tiny needles signaling to the body the need to repair. Vampire facials had growth factors that are collected from your blood via centrifuge and are applied during the microneedling process, which is thought to accelerate regeneration and recovery.

There’s also the Joovv, which I mentioned earlier. They start at $500. It speeds cellular turnover in the skin on your face. If I miss a couple days of Joovving, I can really see the difference in my face. These are examples of some of the latest longevity technologies. In conclusion, I have put together a few recommendations to consider for both someone who is budget sensitive and then someone who’s a maximizer with more to invest. [00:16:00]

For physical activity, the budget sensitive, you can start with a Fitbit activity tracker for $99. You could also consider something like the Oura Ring for $300, or Apple Watch or WHOOP for a monthly membership fee of $30. You can find the Apple Watch and the WHOOP preowned on eBay for less.

For maximizers, I would recommend the Oura Ring or the WHOOP. How about for the budget sensitive in terms of light, how about candles? Those are pretty cheap. Amber glasses for $25. Outdoor morning light, that’s completely free. Colored lights from Amazon or Costco, and a SAD light, which are in the $60 range. For maximizers, you could add to that list SAD glasses at $150 and hue lights which are $90 for a pack of two.


For sleep, consider ear plugs for $5. A sleep mask for $20. For sleep maximizers, consider adding a ChiliPad for $640 or Eight Sleep for $2,200. For diet and metabolism. Budget sensitive, get a basic blood glucose monitor. It comes with a handful of test strips for about $40. For maximizers, get a continuous glucose monitor for $100 and consider also getting a $150 Withing body comp scale for the pulse wave velocity and visceral fat measurements.

Psychology and cognition, do meditation on your own, which is free, or an app for around $9 a month. Maximizers, get the app and consider a Muse for $250 or HeartMath for $180. In the environment category, a bedroom filter, you can get for as little as $99 on Amazon. Put it in your bedroom because you spend the most time there, or you can spring from Air Doctor, an excellent device [00:18:00] for $350. If you’re a maximizer, you can get entire HVAC systems for $1,000 or more that have HEPA and UVC built right into them, or you can also get HEPA filters like a Molekule in all the rooms that you tend to spend time in. Molekules are $1,000.

Then skin health. You could consider something like PRP, Platelet-rich plasma microneedling if you really want to take your skin to the next level using technology. The cost for the budget sensitive could be under $300. For maximizers, microneedling with the PRP and possibly a small Joovv, which is $500. One that’s big enough to do your face all the way down to your hips has now climbed to $1,600.

I hope this was all helpful. Thank you for your time. May we live better, longer. Have a great day.

Longevity Technology List for Budget Sensitive and Maximizers:-


Jane Rogers: I have made a very personal decision and I’d like to share it with you. My gut’s flora is messed up. I have too much bad bacteria and not enough good, and my gut’s been that way for years due to too much antibiotic use. I’ve decided to get a fecal microbiota transplant, FMT for short. I’m going to fly to the UK to get this done because, in the US, fecal transplants are only approved for C. diff, which is a gnarly bacteria that causes diarrhea and inflammation of the colon. In today’s episode, I share the conversation I had with the director of the Taymount Clinic in Hertfordshire, England, Dr. Enid Taylor.

That’s the clinic where I’ll be getting the poop of 10 different healthy donors over a two-week period to help reconstruct my intestines.

Enid Taylor: We always have had a lot of American visitors coming to the clinic since we started in 2010, ’11. I think the FDA made it very popular because they banned it in America. We’re going to give you 10 different donors from 10 different days. Somewhere in that 10 is going to be everything we hope that you need. Some, you will keep and retain, and some, you will just let fall by the wayside because your lifestyle won’t match all of those 10 people. As we go through the experience of regaining, we are getting more and more refined and more and more sophisticated with the testing.

It is as safe as our current knowledge will allow us to make it. It is around the £4,000 mark. I think in terms of dollars, that’s going to be about $4,500, $5,000.

Jane: That’s what I’m budgeting.

Enid: Of course, you have to travel to get here. You have to stay in a hotel.

Jane: I’ve read a lot of research about FMT [00:02:00] and one of the things that I was really excited about, if Alzheimer’s is an age-related disease, if we can slow the process of aging, then you can help prevent some of these age-related diseases. With a fecal microbiota transplant, the research is now showing that if you get poop from a young person, you then will exhibit, in your eyes and in other places in your body, a younger you. If you get poop from an older person, it’s going to age you. I remember writing to your receptionist and saying, “How old are those donors?”

It looks like, for me, all the donors are going to be younger, so this will help my biological age. It’ll help keep me younger and prevent age-related diseases, right?

Enid: I totally believe so. We have a cutoff of 55 for donors. In fact, I think we were actually talking about cutting off at 50. It’s a very rewarding space to be in. When it works really well like that, it’s so satisfying.

Jane: Right, I can tell.

Enid: People say to us, “Not only have you made my husband well, but you’ve returned me to being his wife and being his carer.” That’s a subtle but very powerful shift, isn’t it?

Jane: Oh, very.

Enid: You’ve changed their eyes by just giving people back to themselves.

Jane: I want to share with you how it went for me getting a fecal transplant. Personally, it was an all-around great experience from the very first fecal transplant on a Monday morning. My gut stopped hurting every time I ate. I didn’t have stomach bloating anymore. I could go out to a restaurant and not get sick each time. I could eat foods that I couldn’t have tolerated before like Indian food, which I do love. All this happened right away for me. Plus, I had nine more days of transplants to go.

This immediate remission of symptoms, according to the Taymount Clinic staff, happens but for most, it takes longer, [00:04:00] more days of transplants to see results. Don’t get your hopes up too high just by seeing what happened to me. It’s been four months since the procedure and for me, everything has held. I also brought back to the US some fecal transplants to do at home. I’ve done one each month since going to England. It’s not hard to do. They send along everything you need and instruct you well before leaving the clinic.

I also wanted some fecal transplant material on hand in case I have to do antibiotics for some reason. A fun aside, the 20 or so well-screened poop donors at the Taymount Clinic are a dedicated group. They show up nearly every day with a contribution. They come from all walks of life. At least, for a time, there were a whole lot of firemen, and firemen and firewomen have to be in great shape to do that work. Check out this guy. I’d like to think I got firemen pop and I joke I’m really attuned now to sirens and climbing ladders lately. The Taymount Clinic staff says eating a variety of foods is important to keep your new bacteria happy, 100 different foods a week.

When I’m eating that kind of variety, I like to think I’m making my fireman happy. Anyway, I hope you found this helpful. May we all live longer, better, and healthy.


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 3: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Jane Rogers: Welcome back, I’m Jane Rogers. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, HBOT for short, is a comfortable medical treatment in a soft-sided module where you breathe 90% oxygen under 1.3 atmospheres of pressure. That’s equivalent to being 10 feet underwater.

Jojo Yonce: You’re breathing that concentrated oxygen that’s not being stored in tanks, so it doesn’t have the same level of fire hazard considerations, and it’s still over four times what we’re breathing right now. Right now, you and I are breathing about 21% oxygen in the air. We’re delivering that to you at 90%. That’s one of the main mechanisms of benefit. It’s the red blood cells that carry the oxygen. Like when you do a pulse ox, and you’re seeing that your red blood cells are saturated, 98%, 94%, right? They’re saturated with oxygen.

Well, what we’re able to do is in effect go beyond 100%, because we’re bypassing the red blood cells’ ability to carry oxygen. Let’s just say it’s at 100, we’re still dissolving oxygen into the blood, into the plasma, the liquid portion of the blood to be delivered to the end tissues and organs, including the brain.

Jane: I took this off, so you can hear me. How does it work? Well, join me for my latest hyperbaric oxygen session. You get comfortable inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, and slowly the air pressure is increased. Your ears pop like you’re diving to the bottom of a swimming pool. I look forward to my HBOT sessions. My partner’s in here with me. It’s an hour of quiet, and a little nest with a gentle hum, a respite from the busy world. The combination of increased air pressure and filling the blood with more oxygen puts the repair of our bodies on a fast track. [00:02:00]

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to improve blood flow, promote the growth of new blood vessels, enhance the body’s ability to heal and regenerate, trigger the release of growth factors and stem cells which promote healing. Help tissues resist infection, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, improve the function of mitochondria. That’s the energy-producing structure inside a cell, potentially, leading to better cellular health, block the action of harmful bacteria, and strengthen the body’s immune system. But personally, I took note of this 2020 small study from Israel, which is linked below.

For the first time in humans, it was found that daily hyperbaric chamber sessions for 60 days increased telomere length by more than 20%. Telomeres, the caps that protect the end of linear chromosomes are known to shorten with age, inducing cellular senescence, zombie cells hanging around, and bring on aging. As we age, our telomeres naturally shorten, which has been associated with a range of age-related diseases and conditions. Telomere dynamics have been found to be better predictors of survival and mortality than chronological age.

Also, the Israeli study with humans found that HBOT decreased the number of senescent cells, zombie cells by 10% to 37%. While more research is needed to fully understand the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on longevity, the existing evidence suggests that it has potential as an anti-aging and longevity-promoting therapy. By incorporating hyperbaric oxygen therapy into a healthy lifestyle, we can potentially improve our overall health, and slow the aging process. [00:04:00] Thanks for your time. May we live longer, better. Have a great day.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells – a prospective trial:-

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Tissue Regeneration- A Literature SurveyL:-


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 4: Stem Cells.

Jane Rogers: [00:00:00] It’s a very exciting time for stem cells. They’re being used to rejuvenate the heart even after a heart attack, or the brain if someone is mentally foggy. They’re used to save a joint like a knee joint from surgery, they’re used for anti-aging to rejuvenate tissue, and they have the potential to even reverse aging. This exciting work with stem cells is not happening in the United States– it’s not approved here. It is offshore where Dr. Chadwick Prodromos has his clinic, the Prodromos Stem Cell Institute in Antigua and Monterrey, Mexico. Prodromos is a world-renowned expert in ACL reconstruction. He’s practiced for decades in the Chicago area. His undergrad is from Princeton. His Harvard in Johns Hopkins trained as an orthopedic surgeon.

Dr. Chadwick Prodromos: Stem cell technology has been out there for a little while and it is commonly spoken about as something with a lot of promise for tomorrow and if there may be risks. The reality, the brief reality and I’ll elaborate is, that properly done stem cells are completely safe. They’re here today and they can do a lot. I need to say right at the outset that 20-some years ago there were ethical concerns because people were using embryonic stem cells and this could come from aborted fetuses and such. That technology is nothing that we do and almost nobody does it anymore. We are using stem cells.

They’re called adult stem cells. They’re either from the patient themselves or they’re from the umbilical cord, or the placenta of ladies who donate after-term cesarean sections, so these are not embryonic or fetal. These are adults themselves. There are no ethical concerns. They’re the safest treatment pretty much there is. In a [00:02:00] nutshell, we look for areas where there’s evidence of efficacy and where there’s safety and we treat. Right now, we go offshore to do it, which is where many of the best-known centers are because we want to bring the most effective treatment, and then hopefully that treatment will be able to be done in the U.S.

I made a conscious decision that it was going kind of slowly and I just didn’t want to deny people the opportunity to get treated with state-of-the-art technology. I really like to follow rules. Everything that we do in the US is strictly in accordance with the FDA, and the reason we go– and even where we are offshore, we have licensure. We’re in Antigo, we’re in Monterrey and we have formal licensure to do stem cell treatment there. We want to follow regulations and we do. I actually never been to Mexico until I started treating there, and I knew nothing about it, but it’s beautiful, it’s very upscale. It’s listed as the most upscale community in Mexico and Latin America.

We’re not going down there for that reason, but it’s kind of nice if we’re going to go someplace to go to a place that’s very enjoyable to be in. Tony Robbins, the famous philanthropist, motivational speaker, business person. He and Peter Diamandis, and some other people started the company called Fountain Life. There they treat upscale people for preventing disease, and aging, and whatnot. They felt that injecting stem cells was an important part of an anti-aging regimen. He and his entourage came and visited us in Antigua, and spend a day with us, and went to other places. Actually, put me into his book, Life Force.

It’s a great book the he wrote. It opens a lot of eyes as to advances in medicine. [00:04:00] What we knew and what others do in that regard is we inject these cells, they’re called mesenchymal stem cells and we inject them intravenously. I have a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation. We treat people, but I’ve been in economic medicine my whole life. If we’re going to do this kind of work, we like to follow all our results, collect data, and so we do that. What we have found is that people when they get to be 50, 60, 70, 80 we’ll notice maybe short-term memory loss, brain fog they’ll call it, things like that, fatigue.

We inject people and we have found that in most people who have those issues they diminish substantially. It’s not everybody, but most people. We’ve also looked at people who we’ve treated who didn’t have those issues before, and about 15% of them said, “Yes, I didn’t have fatigue issues or other things, but I feel better anyway.” It can definitely help. The stem cells are isolated and then they’re expanded in culture.

Then later people will go down a month later, and we take lymphocytes from apheresis, that catheter in your arm it takes out lymphocytes. The lymphocytes are activated with neoantigens, they’re injected back. They go to these areas of dead tissue in your brain, they whittle away scar tissue there, reverting the healing phase back to the acute healing phase, and this makes it amenable for stem cells to treat which otherwise it couldn’t.Then we take the stem cells and coculture them with these lymphocytes, which activates them and inject them. The basic thing is you get apheresis, you get lymphocytes remove, they’re treated, they’re injected back. This is all intravenous by the way. Nothing in your spine, nothing in your brain, new stem cells, and a remarkable treatment. This doctor has treated better than 80 people with quadriplegic, paraplegic. Amazing results, mind-boggling results. We’re treating people paraplegic [00:06:00], quadriplegic [unintelligible 00:06:01] people down there as we speak.

Jane: We’ve talked about the brain and how the lymphocytes can go and actually help regenerate the brain. Some parts of the brain.

Dr. Chadwick: Can do the same thing with the heart, and there is evidence that we’ve seen where scarring in the heart diminishes, it goes away, and you can regenerate new myocardial cells.

Jane: Dr. Prodromos went on to say that he and his team are seeing 100% success in reversing multiple sclerosis with stem cells. He has seen success in treating a certain subset of Parkinson’s patients, also those with cerebral palsy. He just started actually re-growing cartilage and joints. It’s all pretty jaw-dropping, but as with any medical treatment, there are risks. There could be infection, allergic reactions, and other adverse events. It’s important to carefully consider the potential benefits before undergoing these treatments.

Select the right provider and discuss it with your healthcare practitioner to determine if it’s the right choice for you. Also, you’ll need to know how much stem cell procedures like what Dr. Prodromos is talking about will set you back. He quoted $18,000, pricey. For some with the goal of maximizing the technology available to slow aging, this is certainly a cutting-edge proactive step towards supporting one’s health and well-being. Potentially leading to a longer and healthier life. Thanks for your time. May we live longer, better.


Welcome to the Cutting Edge Health Accelerator Course with Jane Rogers, Lesson 1: Longevity Testing.

Jane Rogers: Welcome back. I’m Jane Rogers. Today’s lesson is all about longevity tests and why you should consider testing. Your biological age, which is determined by the age of your cells and organs can differ from your chronological age, that’s your time since birth, due to lifestyle factors. By reducing your biological age, you decrease the likelihood of disease and mortality while increasing longevity. Genetics play a smaller role in determining lifespan than lifestyle and environmental factors.

Biological age clocks are the most efficient and powerful method for tracking your overall health and aging process. The epigenome determines which genes are turned on and off.

The most recent epigenetic clock is the DunedinPACE clock, which was produced by Duke University and Columbia University researchers tracking more than 1,000 individuals from New Zealand across multiple organ systems, for the past 40-plus years.

We saw some of these individuals from the New Zealand research cohort, who we looked at their faces to see their PACE of aging in an earlier lesson. The DunedinPACE clock or just PACE for short is a biological PACE of aging test, which focuses on short-term changes in methylation that translate into long-term impacts on health. The PACE results look kind of like a speedometer on aging, where values above one are accelerated aging and below one are slowed aging. Here are my results from a recent PACE test so that you can see what this looks like.

It appears with a value of 0.82 on the speedometer, that I am slowing [00:02:00] aging, which is my goal. Anticipating these results for the first time was nerve-racking, I had no idea where I would be in this PACE speedometer. Although there are other clocks and tests available, doing it in PACE is considered the most accurate. Testing every few months allows for assessing the effectiveness of interventions and making necessary adjustments. It’s a journey. It’s not a sprint toward a better PACE of aging.

Ryan: We definitely have always had this idea that age itself is a disease and one that can be appropriately measured can then be appropriately managed.

Jane: You can get your DunedinPACE test and your telomere length test bundled in the same package. At TruDiagnostic, if you want. It’s the best price test of its kind that I could find. I have an affiliate relationship with TruDiagnostic and if you use the link below, you’ll get $50 off at checkout. With that, the total cost including taxes is $186 for this test. Now, for the low-tech methods that can easily be done at home and they don’t cost as much or they may not be as powerful as epigenetic tests, they’re still very useful and validating the biological aging clocks with supporting physiological evidence from the real world.

Here are a few examples. Grip strength is a well-known marker for longevity, as research shows that a strong grip is associated with a longer life. A study conducted on over 500,000 adults between 40 and 69 years old, found that grip strength was correlated with healthy outcomes for various diseases such as heart disease, respiratory illness and cancer. For men, a grip strength measurement of less than 57 pounds and less than 35 pounds for women was associated with a higher overall risk of death and specific illnesses.

[00:04:00] Each 11-pound decrease in grip strength below these levels was linked to a 16% increase in mortality for men and a 20% increase for women, specifically for heart disease. Remarkably, grip strength is a better predictor of cardiovascular disease than blood pressure and physical exercise levels. This grip meter was $35 on Amazon.

Next, there is the sitting rising test which requires no equipment and can be done immediately.

You start with 10 points, cross your legs, move to a seated position and then try to stand up again. If you use your hand, your forearm, your knee on the ground, the side of your leg, your hand on your knee, or your hand on your thigh to help you stand up, you deduct a point from the starting 10. Losing balance results in a half-point deduction. Scoring between 3.5 and 7.5 means you’re two times more likely to die in the next six years than someone who scores between 8 and 10. Scoring between zero and three, means you’re five times more likely to die in the next six years.

The 10-second one-legged stand is the simplest test, it requires you to stand on one leg for 10 seconds with your shoes off and barefoot. Failing to complete this test increases your chance of death by 84% over the next seven years, compared to those who can complete it. FEV1 or forced expiratory volume measures the volume of air you can exhale in one second, using a spiral meter. You can buy spiral meters on Amazon or Google for as low as $25 for a manual device. For one more accurate, you’d need to spend more.

FEV1 is a powerful test, being the second and third largest [00:06:00] predictor of biological age in an upcoming aging clock developed by alphabet or Google’s parent company, Calico. For females and males, respectively, it’s been found to be more important than body mass index or the previously mentioned tests including grip strength. I hope this was all helpful. Thanks for your time. May we live better longer, have a great day.


Congratulations on finishing the course!  It’s been a joy for this team to work with you.  May your health and the health of those you love continue to improve with the information you’ve learned here.  



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