Using stem cells and other scientific breakthroughs to slow aging and extend healthspan are generating so much enthusiastic interest that police were called to a presentation in Boston.
Police got called to an overcrowded presentation on “rejuvenation’ technology
A daily nap of under 30 minutes in length is good for your brain according to this BBC report on University College London research. Dr. Sara Mednick, Director of the UCLA Sleep Lab, told us her research found napping was important for brain health on her Cutting Edge Health podcast interview, Deep Sleep Amount in your 40s & 50s Predicts Dementia Decades Later.
In May, our podcast focused on sex hormones, especially for women. We barely touched on men and, guys, I’m sorry about that. So, I wanted to share an article in The New York Times detailing a large study with men using supplemental testosterone and its encouraging heart safety profile.
Testosterone Therapy Does Not Raise Heart Risk in a Group of Men
Interesting article on how a Harvard genetics professor reversed his biological age in 3 steps.
A recent study from the Netherlands is causing some concern amongst women on hormone replacement therapy. Does it contribute to cognitive decline? In a New York Times article, the flaws in the Danish study are discussed and most in the field are advising women to stay the course with their bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
Do Hormone Treatments for Menopause Increase Dementia Risk?
If you have mitochondria that aren’t working up to par, you increase your risk of age-related disease like dementia. So, I got excited about a breakthrough published last month in Nature Cell Biology about research on worms. Apparently, ATFS-1 is a protein that when enhanced increases how long the worms stayed healthy and agile.
Cell protein discovery points to healthier aging