The end of Alzheimer's
Part 1
Dr. Dale Bredesen
with Jane Rogers
Colonoscopies are advised starting in your 40’s. Now add a cognoscopy to the list, too.
What you'll learn in this podcast....
In today’s episode, I interview Dr. Dale Bredesen, an internationally respected researcher into the causes of neurodegenerative diseases. He’s a New York Times bestselling author with three books: The End of Alzheimer’s, The End of Alzheimer’s Programme and The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s. Dr. Bredesen is currently the Chief Science Officer (CSO) of Apollo Health and a professor at UCLA. He was the founding CEO of the Buck Institute for Age Research in Marin County, CA.
In many respects Dr. Bredesen’s the reason I’m producing these podcasts, having been the person who first put me on the road to my own recovery. Before Dr. Bredesen’s clinical studies, it was assumed by the entire medical community that there was nothing that could be done to stop the progression of Alzheimer’s. His book, The End of Alzheimer’s, demonstrated that there was a way to slow the onset of dementia and even reverse it.
Over 900,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, but of those currently living, 45 million will die from Alzheimer’s. Thus far, despite tens of billions of dollars spent by Big Pharma, there has been no cure and nothing on the horizon. Even these failed drug trials had only sought to slow the progression of the disease.
Results of a clinical trial of the Bredesen Protocol were released in October 2021. They show that cognition stabilized or improved for 84% of the dataset which consisted of individuals with subjective cognitive impairment, mild cognitive impairment, and early Alzheimer’s disease. Several went from not knowing what year or month it was to normal brain function using the Bredesen Protocol.
Dr. Bredesen’s work represents a revolution in the way we think of Alzheimer’s, not as a disease with a single cause, but more as a pathology resulting from a variety of bodily insults associated with aging.
About Dr. Dale Bredesen
Chief Science Officer (CSO) of Apollo Health
An internationally recognized expert in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Dr. Dale Bredesen’s career has been guided by a simple idea: that Alzheimer’s as we know it is not just preventable, but reversible. Dr. Bredesen’s dedicated pursuit of the science that makes this a reality has placed him at the vanguard of neurological research and led to the discoveries that today underlie the ReCODE Protocol.
Dr. Bredesen earned his MD from Duke University Medical Center and served as Chief Resident in Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), before joining Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner’s laboratory at UCSF as an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow. He held faculty positions at UCSF, UCLA, and the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Bredesen also directed the Program on Aging at the Burnham Institute before joining the Buck Institute in 1998 as founding President and CEO.
Dr. Bredesen’s research explores previously uncharted territory in explaining the physical mechanism behind the erosion of memory seen in Alzheimer’s disease, and has opened the door to new approaches to treatment. This work has led to the identification of several new therapeutic processes that are showing remarkable early results. Dr. Bredesen is a prodigious innovator in medicine, with over thirty patents to his name. Notably, he put much of his findings and research into the 2017 New York Times‘ Best-Seller, The End of Alzheimer’s.
His most recent book, The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s, presents the stories of seven individuals who reversed their cognitive decline using the ReCODE Protocol.
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